Page 358 - Ministry of Economy - December 2017
P. 358

12/25/2017                            UAE Second-Largest Recipient of FDI in Middle East | Al Bawaba
              "It is now widely understood that sustainable development is not necessarily a consequence of FDI. In  Search
                         Follow @AlBawabaBiz
              fact, FDI can have negative consequences on sustainable development, if the right policies and
              frameworks are not laid out accordingly."
              The World Bank released its annual Doing Business Report 2018 that showed that the UAE jumped to
              position 21 out of 190 countries, advancing five positions from position 26 in the 2017 report.
              Editor's note: The article has been adapted from its original source.   Enjoy your stay at 5  Britney Spears
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                 Join Albawaba Business                                          incredible prices !  Describes 'Hardest
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