Page 413 - Ministry of Economy - December 2017
P. 413

12/25/2017                            Fine of Dh100,000 on retailers using VAT to raise product prices
       18:57   Video:   Dubai   other financial bodies in the country, the ministry has            Fujimori     sparks
       man    gives   staff                                                                        protests
       member  the  perfect     established a committee to monitor the markets before
       gift, his son            and after the implementation of VAT on January 1,                  14:30   В   аккаунтах

       18:26  Dubai  clinics,   2018.                                                              казахстанских
       pharmacies  fined  for                                                                      обнаружилось
       misusing      health     VAT in UAE: Will middle class feel taxed?                          больше  двух  тысяч
       insurance                                                                                   фотографий
                                He added that the panel will conduct surprise
       18:26 Dh500 fine if you                                                                     содержания
       don't   renew   your     inspections to ensure the implementation of VAT as well
       Dubai         health                                                                        14:30  Die  grüne  Seite
       insurance                as the selective tax.                                              von  Teneriff:  Wale,
                                                                                                   Winzer, Windräder
       18:01  "دﺎﺻرﻷا"  نﻣ  ثﯾدﺣﺗ  Immediate action would be taken if the committee
       لﻛﺷﺗ  ﻖطﺎﻧﻣو  تﺎﻗوأ  نﺄﺷﺑ  detects any violations, Al Nuaimi pointed out.                   14:30    Геращенко
       بﺎﺑﺿﻟا                                                                                      підтвердила
                                                                                                   готовність України до
       17:22  "رذﺣﺗ  "ﻲﺑد  ﺔﺣﺻ  He stressed that the consumer protection law                       обміну полоненими
       تﺎﻗﺎﺑ  دﯾدﺟﺗ  نﻋ  نﯾرﺧﺄﺗﻣﻟا  determines that the fine of raising the prices beyond
       ﺔﻣﻛارﺗﻣﻟا تﺎﻣارﻐﻟا نﻣ نﯾﻣﺄﺗﻟا                                                               14:29     Прослава
                                VAT limit would be Dh100,000.                                      Божића у региону
       16:35  UAE  bans  eggs,
       chicken  from  Saudi                         Share to                                14:29  Parrikar  should
       Arabia                                                                                      have    written   to
                                                                                                   Tribunal: CM
       15:24  تاردﺎﺻ  دراوﻣ  ةدﺎﯾز  News source
       رﺑﻣﻓوﻧ ﻲﻓ ﻲﻗارﻌﻟا مﺎﺧﻟا طﻔﻧﻟا                                                               14:29  Grimmig-Selfie  -
                                uae/fine-of-dh100000-on-retailers-using-vat-to-raise-product-      Was   verdirbt   Will
       12:25 ﻲﻓ تﻼﺣر لﯾﺟﺄﺗو ءﺎﻐﻟإ                                                                  Smith           die
       بﺑﺳﺑ   تارﺎﻣﻹا   تارﺎطﻣ                                                                     Weihnachtslaune?
                                                                                                   14:29 Cinayet şüphelisi
       12:25 ﻲﻓ تﻼﺣر لﯾﺟﺄﺗو ءﺎﻐﻟإ                                                                  çay içerken yakalandı
       بﺎﺑﺿﻟا بﺑﺳﺑ تارﺎﻣﻹا
                                                                                                   14:29     Патриарх
       12:25  تﻼﺣر  لﯾﺟﺄﺗو  ءﺎﻐﻟإ                                                                  Кирилл    подсобил
       بﺑﺳﺑ  تارﺎﻣﻹا  ﻲﻓ  ﺔﯾوﺟ                                                                     военнопленным
       بﺎﺑﺿﻟا                                                                                      Донбасса

       11:00 ﻰﻘﻠﺗ لﯾﻣﻌﻟ رذﺗﻌﺗ نوزﺎﻣأ                                                               14:28    Кардашьян
       لﺗﻘﻟﺎﺑ دﯾدﮭﺗ" لﺋﺎﺳر"                                                                        поголубела    ради
       10:30   Video:   Low
       visibility  on  roads  as                                                                   14:28  Bιβλία  Τέχνης
       thick fog blankets UAE                                                                      που  ξεχώρησαν  μέσα
                                                                                                   στο 2017 [εικόνες]
       10:11  Philippines  mall
       fire  leaves  37  dead,                                                                     14:27   Партия   БПП
       six rescued                                                                                 провела  брифинг  по
                                                                                                   результатам выборов
       09:38  Flights  delayed,                                                                    в   терробщины,   -
       cancelled   as   fog                                                                        видео
       engulfs UAE
                                                                                                   14:27  Terceiro  dia  da
       09:38  Flights  delayed,                                                                    Operação      “Natal
       cancelled  as  thick  fog                                                                   Tranquilo”  da  GNR
       engulfs UAE                                                                                 com  quatro  feridos
       09:15  رارﻗ  :رﻓرزﺑوﻷا  ﻲﻓ
       ﺔﺣﺎﯾﺳﻟا  ﻰﻠﻋ  ارﺛا  كرﺗ  بﻣارﺗ                                                              14:27           Tre
       مﺣﻟ تﯾﺑ ﻲﻓ ﺔﯾﻧﯾدﻟا                                                                          drabsmistænkte  bliver
                                                                                                   nok  først  udleveret
                                                                                                   efter nytår             2/8
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