Page 419 - Ministry of Economy - December 2017
P. 419

12/25/2017                           DP World snaps up remainder of Brazil’s Embraport - The National
        DP World gross container volume advances 10.7% in
        second quarter

        DP  World  launches  crowdfunding  initiative  for
        retrofitting scheme

        DP  World  contract  with  Indonesia's  PT  Terminal

        Petikemas Surabaya not to be renewed


        Embraport has an annual capacity of 1.2 million TEU

        (twenty-foot  equivalent  units).  The  first  phase  of  the
        project,  which  is  awaiting  further  development,  has

        provided  653  meters  of  wharf  space  and  207,000
        square meters of terminal area.

        Port  of  Santos  has  been  impacted  by  a  series  of

        slowdowns  and  strikes  by  customs  officers  since
        October,  with  containers  being  delayed  by  up  to  a


        DP  World  acquired  its  33  per  cent  shareholding  in
        Embraport  in  August  2013.  In  March  2017,  the

        company  was  said  to  be  close  to  purchasing  the
        remaining shares of the terminal.

        Brazilian media reported at the time that DP World was
        also a frontrunner to purchase 50 per cent of Brazil’s
        Terminal  de  Conteineres  de  Paranagua  (TCP).  This

        deal  never  materialised,  with  China  Merchant  Port
        Holdings  (CMPH)  acquiring  a  90  per  cent  stake  in


        That  same  month,  DP  World  announced  that  its
        operating  contract  for  Indonesia’s  PT  Terminal

        Petikemas  Surabaya  (TPS)  would  not  be  renewed
        when it expires in 2019, as the company refocuses its

        expansion efforts in Latin America.

        DP World’s gross container volumes increased by 13.5

        per cent year-on-year on a reported basis in the third
        quarter  of  2017  on  an  improved  global  trading                3/4
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