Page 25 - Park and Open Space Plan
P. 25
Natural Management Overview:
Ashippun Park is a key preservation site in
northwestern Waukesha County, much of which is
high-quality wetland. The 244-acre Ashippun River
Lowlands, rated NA-2 by SEWRPC, are on the eastern
boundary of the park and extend into Greenway
property owned by Waukesha County (although some
is in DNR and private ownership). Mostly native
Shallow Marsh and Sedge Meadow, there are some
areas suitable for woody species as well.
The Core Zone for Ashippun Park mirrors the overview
listed above, mostly wetlands with a few key wooded
plots. Invasive species that challenge the
management of the Core zone include Reed canary
grass, Purple loosestrife, Glossy buckthorn, Poison
sumac, Garlic mustard, Honeysuckle and the Emerald
ash borer. One goal is to maintain the ecological
quality of the Core Zone with very selective control of
exotic/invasive species. Another is to work toward
having a mature mesic forest with a closed canopy.
Also, to maintain the integrity in the Hardwood
Swamp area.
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