Page 31 - Park and Open Space Plan
P. 31
Waukesha County Park System
City of Brookfield, Sections 7, 18
2925 N Barker Road, Brookfield (Beach House)
2935 N Barker Road, Brookfield (Service Bldg.)
3095 N Barker Road, Brookfield (Picnic Pavilion)
223 acres
Acquisition History:
• 1997 Acquired from the City of
Brookfield – 173 acres
• 2000 Purchase from Wetzel with DNR
and City of Brookfield funding – 50 Site Characteristics:
Proposed Acquisition (Would be accepted Fox Brook Park is a well-used park in the City of
through donation): Brookfield, located on Barker Road, west of the Fox
• Two parcels totaling 35 acres – includes River. Formerly the site of a gravel quarry, the park
4-acre wetland along Barker Road and currently has a 22-acre quarry lake that features a
a 31-acre parcel to add to the North sandy beach and an adjacent beach house/lodge as
end of the park
the central attraction of the park. One mile of paved
Amenities: multi-use trail curves around the quarry lake and
• Accessible Fishing Pier provides access to three wildlife-viewing decks at the
• Dog Swim Area lake’s edge, an accessible fishing pier, a dog swimming
• Beach House/Lodge area, a canoe/kayak launch and a reservable picnic
• Diving Dock pavilion with overlooking views of the lake. The 138-
• Dock acre wetland area is a natural habitat and resource
• Picnic Pavilion
• Legacy Forest preserve. This habitat allows many bird species, such
• Paved Trail (1 mile loop around lake) as Gold Finches and Indigo Buntings, to flourish within
• Rental/Concession Building the park.
• Play Structure
• Quarry Lake
• Quarry Lake Observation Decks (3)
• Scuba Diving Access
• Swimming Beach
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