Page 49 - Park and Open Space Plan
P. 49


                                 Waukesha County Park System

               Town of Muskego, Section 17
               S83 W20370 Janesville Road, Muskego
               193 Acres

                Acquisition History:

                  •   1958 Purchase from Addie Ellarson
                      Crosswaite – 54.5 acres
                  •   1958 Purchase from Arthur Ellarson –
                      54.5 acres
                  •   1958 Purchase from Cecelia Ellarson
                      Neiman – 50 acres
                  •   1987 Dedication from Scholbe Farms –
                      34 acres
               Proposed Acquisition:                       Site Characteristics:
                  •   None                                 Located  in  Southeastern Waukesha County, in the
                                                           Town of Muskego, and formerly known as the Ellarson
                  •   Archery Range                        farm, Muskego  Park was one  of the pioneer  farms
                  •   Beach                                occupied by members of the same family since 1836.
                  •   Beach House                          The terrain in the park is a rolling landscape of dense
                  •   Family Camping – 24 sites            soils and wetland areas with small ponds. Within the
                  •   Group Camping – 2 sites              park is the State Natural Area known as the Muskego
                  •   Legacy Forest                        Park Hardwoods. Muskego Park Hardwoods is an old-
                  •   Modern Restrooms                     growth,  southern,  dry-mesic forest  dominated by
                  •   Picnic Shelters (5)
                  •   Trail System                         white and red  oaks on a gently sloping  grade.
                                                           Occasional large  sugar  maples occur along with a
                                                           mixture of other trees such as bitternut  hickory,
                                                           shagbark hickory, butternut,  walnut,  white ash,
                                                           basswood, black cherry, ironwood, and, of particular
                                                           interest, Kentucky coffee tree,  and blue ash.  The
                                                           southeast corner has a lowland forest with some elm
                                                           and hackberry. Spring flora is exceptionally rich and
                                                           contains wild leek, toothwort, bloodroot, declined
                                                           trillium, reflexed  trillium, green  dragon, and red

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