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recreation activities and cater to niche markets. Some private recreation sites are only open to members and
their guests and therefore are not considered in an inventory of private preservation and recreation providers.
Non-Profit Organizations
Non-profit providers in Waukesha County include, but are not limited to, the Waukesha County Land
Conservancy, Ice Age Trail Alliance, the Nature Conservancy, Izaak Walton League, Tall Pines Conservancy,
various YMCA’s and religious institutions. The mission of the Waukesha County Land Conservancy is to protect
environmentally significant lands in Waukesha County. The Nature Conservancy, through its mission, seeks to
preserve plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the
lands and waters they need to survive. The mission of the Izaak Walton League is to restore watersheds, reduce
air pollution, fight litter, protect wildlife habitat and open spaces and instill conservation ethics in outdoor
recreationists. The Tall Pines Conservancy’s mission is to preserve our rural heritage by protecting remaining
farmland, water resources, natural areas and open spaces impacting Northwestern Waukesha County.
The non-profit conservation organization sites consist of 3,342 acres or 0.9 percent of the County area.
Lake Districts and Associations
Lake Districts and Management Associations have become increasingly active as partners in the development
and acquisition of parks and open space lands in Waukesha County. Several have acquired property to use in
the management of natural resources, to access lakes and waterways and to promote the health of their
community and surrounding environment.
The Pewaukee Lake Sanitary District’s mission is to preserve, protect, promote and enhance Pewaukee Lake
and its watershed. The District provides lake management services including aquatic plant harvesting and
shoreline cleanup for the Town of Delafield and the City of Pewaukee. The District owns and maintains the
sanitary sewer around Pewaukee Lake.
The School Section Lake Management District was formed as a means to collect, coordinate and share
information regarding the lake and its watershed. It continues to grow and has assisted in completing a large
dredging project as well as several aquatic plant management plans. The district recently purchased property
to support their annual maintenance and management practices.
Other Public Preservation and Open Space Providers
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation owns six wetland mitigation sites totaling 246.6 acres within the
County. Approximately 145 acres of the 246.6 acres have been restored or enhanced as wetlands or, in upland
portions of the sites, as prairies. Five of the six sites are located within, or adjacent to, primary environmental
corridors. In each case, restoration or creation of wetland or prairie vegetation is expected to result in an
expansion of the corridor to include the mitigation sites.
University of Wisconsin
The University of Wisconsin owns the Waterville Field Station, encompassing about 96 acres, located in the Town
of Ottawa. Both the Ice Age Trail and the Glacial Drumlin Trail traverse the Field Station.
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