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             ǁǁǁ͘ŚĞůŵƵƚͲĨŝƐĐŚĞƌ͘ĐŽŵ                                                                                                                                            Innovation by Tradition
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              LOCTITE GC 18 – THE GAME CHANGER


              Following the introduction of its award-winning temperature stable   range of QFN packages. Sustainability is built in to LOCTITE GC 18 as it
              LOCTITE GC 10 solder paste, Henkel has brought to market the   facilitates the elimination of costly nitrogen reflow processes, reduces
              latest product in the LOCTITE GC series. LOCTITE GC 18 upholds the   rework, lowers processing costs and cuts PPM defects across all areas
              performance attributes required for demanding SMT environments,   of the production line.
              maintaining stability for one year when stored at 26.5°C and for one
              month at temperatures up to 40°C. Designed to improve transfer   CURRENT TECHNOLOGY   LOCTITE GC 18 ULTRA-LOW
                                                                        VOIDING LEVEL
              efficiency for fine-pitch components such as 01005s and 0.4mm CSPs,
              the material’s slump resistance at higher soak temperatures allows
              for thorough fluxing action on challenging surface finishes such as Cu
              OSP and ImSn. As a result, the material also reduces void occurrences
              on BGAs, chip resistor (CR), chip capacitor (CC), SOICs, QFPs, and a full

              All marks used are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Henkel and its affiliates in the U.S., Germany and elsewhere.
              © 2018 Henkel Corporation. All rights reserved. (4/18)

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