Page 6 - Neurological examination of children
P. 6

Cognition                            General exam                                  ILAE 2017 Classification of Seizure Types

       Interaction: Quality. Concentration  Skin: Hypo- or hyperpigmented spots           Figure 4
                                                                                          A good description of seizure semiology is helpful for classification of seizures.
       Memory: Short and long-term          Skeleton: Hypoplasia or hyperplasia.
                                            Asymmetry                                     I

       Orientation: Time and place                                                                 Focal Onset           Generalized Onset         Unknown Onset
                                            Spine and trunk: Curves. Skin changes.
       Spelling, calculation, geography     Abdominal reflexes
       Right/left  orientation              Head: Head circumference and form.                 Aware    Impaired
                                            Sutures and fontanels                                      Awareness
       Agnosia: Show a pencil, asking:
       what is this?                                                                      III
                                                                                              Motor Onset              Motor                    Motor
       Pre-schoolers and school children:                                                        automatisms              tonic-clonic            tonic-clonic
       Please draw a man                                                                         atonic                   clonic                   epileptic spasms
                                                                                                 clonic                   tonic
                                                                                                 epileptic spasms         myoclonic             Non-Motor
                                                                                                 hyperkinetic             myoclonic-tonic-clonic    behavior arrest
                                                                                                 myoclonic                myoclonic-atonic
                                                                                                 tonic                    atonic
       Table 1 Glasgow Coma Scale                                                                                         epileptic spasms
                                                                                              Non-Motor Onset
                       4-15 YEARS                < 4 YEARS                                       autonomic             Non-Motor (absence)
                                                                                                 behavior arrest          typical
       Eyes            Open spontaneously        Open spontaneously       4                      cognitive                atypical
                       Open on verbal command    Reaction to speech       3                      emotional                myoclonic
                       Open as reaction to pain  Reaction to pain         2                      sensory                  eyelid myoclonia
                       No response               No response              1
       Best motor      Obeys                     Spont. or obeys verbal command 6
                       Localizes pain            Localizes pain           5
                                                                                                         Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic            Unclassified
                       Withdraws                 Withdraws                4
                       Abnormal flexion           Abnormal flexion          3                  Adapted from:  Fisher R. et al. Instruction manual for the ILAE 2017 operational classifi-
                       Abn. extension            Abnormal extension       2                  cation of seizure types. Epilepsia 2017;58(4):531–542. With author permission.
                       No response               No response              1
       Best verbal     Oriented                  Smiles, interacts        5
                       Disoriented               Spontaneous, irritable cry  4
                       Inappropriate words       Cries to pain only       3
                       Incomprehensible sounds   Moans to pain            4
                       No response               No response to pain      1
       Range                                                              3 - 15

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