P. 157

158        The Armenian Church

                                          a broader scope. At other periods, however,
                                          due  to  unfavorable  conditions  surrounding
                                          the Church, it lost its vitality and effect.

                                          Characteristic features of the
                                          Church's diakonia
                                             Four  significant  aspects  of  the  diaconal
                                          ministry of the Armenian Church claim our
                                             a) A servant church. Since the early period
                                          of  its  institutionalization,  the  Armenian
                                          Church  has  understood itself fundamentally
                                          as  a  servant  church,  and  has,  therefore,
                                          identified  with  human  needs  by  actively
                                          involving itself in the total life of the people.
                                          That is why the Church's social ministry was
                                          never  systematized  or  compartmentalized.
                                          However,  in  the  last  few  decades,  to  cope
                                          more  effectively  with  the  changing  condi-
                                          tions and growing expectations of the people,
                                          on the one hand, and to organize more sys-
                                          tematically  its  increasing  and  diversifying
                                          diaconal work, on the other hand, the Church
                                          established  special  departments  within  its
                                          administrative  and  functional  structures  on
                                          global,  diocesan,  and  parish  levels.  Beyond
                                          all  these  institutionalized  expressions  of
                                          social  service,  the  Church  has  preserved  the
                                          very essence of diakonia and its self-under-
                                          standing as a servant church.
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