P. 210

Challenges and Priorities    211

                                          An active spiritual ministry
                                             Historical  factors  have  made  the  Ar-
                                          menian  Church  a  powerful  national  insti-
                                          tution, which has overshadowed its spiritual
                                          identity  and  evangelistic  task.  As  a  com-
                                          munity  of  faith,  the  Church's  identifiable
                                          image  needs  to  be  further  sharpened,  its
                                          ecclesial mission refocused, and its diaconal
                                          ministry reinvigorated. This shift of emphasis
                                          from  a  national  to  a  spiritual  mission  must
                                          include the following considerations:
                                             The  Armenian  Church  must  concentrate
                                          its  full  energy  on  inner  evangelism,  social
                                          service, Christian education, theological  and
                                          ministerial formation, and community build-
                                          ing. Concerns of a mainly national character,
                                          though integral to the broader responsibility
                                          of  the  Church,  particularly  in  the  diaspora,
                                          should  not  be  given  pre-eminence  on  the
                                          agenda of its ministry.
                                             The  primary  emphasis  of  the  Church’s
                                          mission must be to deepen Christian faith in
                                          the daily life of its people and nurture com-
                                          munity life with Gospel values. Communism
                                          in  Armenia  and  secularism  in  the  diaspora
                                          have  rendered  the  Christian  faith  almost
                                          nominal.  The  growing  culture  of  globaliza-
                                          tion  and  secularism  is  questioning  the  cre-
                                          dibility and relevance of Christian faith. The
                                          Armenian  Church  should  embark  with  new
                                          vigor on a new apostolate.
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