Page 145 - 2021-2022_studios_Neat
P. 145
In life, a me may come when we need to get out of our comfort zones and move to different ci es/ countries for educa on. Eventually we need to find accommoda on at our des na- EI S
ons, and we start with looking for answers to some basic ques ons: Can we afford it? What does the place look like? Is the loca on convenient? How long are we going to occupy the D
place? What kind of life are we going to live inside the unit?... The needs, lifestyles and priori es of people make a house more than a shelter. This condi on reflects on architecture in A L
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several ways which reflects on the variety of architectural solu ons around us regarding student housing. Recently the increase in the numbers of universi es and student capacity of de-
partments created issues related with availability of sustainable housing for students. R
More importantly, in addi on to the basic ques ons men oned previously, this studio will challenge addi onal ques ons such as: What kind of a role does university educa on play in
the personal development of young people? What role does the built environment play on the personal development and well-being of university students? Do we provide the students TCU ET
with inspiring environments that prepare them for their journeys in life? Can university students achieve balance between educa on and private life if they are not provided the basic
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need for shelter? Is it enough to provide just the basic needs? What quali es should the built environment have in order to enrich the minds of young people? What is the poten al of
enabling interac on between young people from different parts of the country/ world?
This workshop will inves gate architectural space for persons who spend most of their me in educa on, research, and inven on, and build solu ons for such lives. Students must create RH C
and develop a new way of living together that encourages interac on, learning, experiencing, and growing together. Undergraduate and foreign students are the main usage groups.
You'll research student housing schemes. Your suggested design may include studio units, 1-bedroom units, 2-bedroom flats, group housing units, etc. The building's en re size will be /A
roughly 9000 m2. 0 /
T e 32
The project site is located in Alsancak, izmir. Alsancak historically owes its development to the rise of the city as a Levan ne port and the building of the railway sta on in the second half
of the nineteenth century. The railway line separates the regularly-planned district in which the project plot is located from the more organically-developed triangular area behind the
harbor (i.e Limanarkası) which is characterized by largely-abandoned industrial complexes, warehouses, workers’ districts and suppor ng facili es. Currently there are refurbishments,
l r e - c l R
large-scale housing and commercial investment projects pending comple on in Limanarkası which are expected to result in dras c change in the morphology and func ons in the area.
Our site is located at the end of the Kıbrıs Şehitleri street which is known to be one of the most ac ve, in terms of pedestrian circula on, streets in İzmir. Kıbrıs Şehitleri street contains A
entertainment facili es as well as medium scale stores at the street level. The street is busy with pedestrian traffic and has an ac ve nightlife. Currently our project site is used as a car
park. Adjacent to our site there is a mul storey public car park and a series of office blocks. There are two exis ng buildings on the site. You are expected to keep these two buildings
and incorporate them in your design in a meaningful way. From the site it is possible to have visual connec on with the sea and the commercial Port of İzmir.
How we use space under varied restric ons should alter its design. Our quality of life depends not on the size of the rooms we live, but on the architecture and how we use it. When we
feel a ached to a house, we call it home. In the 1930s, German architects inves gated "housing for the existenzminimum" or minimal urban life without sacrificing quality. The solu on
was sought in terms of space and u lity for the individual, family, and neighbourhood community.
Hasan Burak Çavka, Aslıhan Çevik, Mehmet Tolga Kezer, Gönenç Kurpınar///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////