Page 31 - 2021-2022_studios_Neat
P. 31
The project aims to create an urban and architectural scenario by focusing on the urban spaces that we have experienced and discovered in Kemeral , Cumhuriyet Square, I O D
Kordon and Alsancak regions during our experience and discovery at Module-1. In the conceptual framework of the “Resilience”, in this Module-3 each student is expected
to explore and analyze the urban context, meet and define user of the space and to create an architectural conceptual framework and develop a design proposal for a SU T
co-working/ co-living space.
Under the given main tle of “resilience”, it is expected to give clear answers about the areas they have chosen, which area is selected for what kind of hub will be N
desiged and what their goals will be. G
Meet and talk to the user of your co-working space in your chosen city. D
Find inspiring and crea ve examples and architecturally analyse them. A L
Learn her/his iden ty, habits, expecta ons, dreams and needs etc. Following this explora on, express this architecturally in a storyboard. R
Based on your design research and conceptual framework development of the project in rela on with the city and the user you have chosen. TCU ET
•Create a conceptual framework according to your site analysis and the expecta ons of the user: your argument should be based on your inves ga on about the con-
text, about the needs /dreams of the user as well as your architectural posi oning vis-à-vis the resilience. I
Reconsider your architectural scenario and programme focusing on the problems such as resilience of natural disasters, survival, culture etc. For your selected site. RH C
Should be added an addi onal common func on to the design programme. This func on must be income generated for the users with the variable spaces. /A /
Expressions of crea ve and cri cal posi ons are expected to support the concept of ‘Resilience’. In these forms of expression, diagramma c, schema c and 3D designs 0
are welcome. 21
The aim is to understand the working principles of the carrier elements in groups of two people. For this purpose, you are expected to examine the structural systems
of the case studies given to you and present them to us. R
Prof.Dr.İpek AKPINAR/ Res. Asst. Gizem ELBİZ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////