Page 87 - 2021-2022_studios_Neat
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Founded in 1992, İYTE (IZTECH) started its ac vi es in a single building in the Basmane district of Izmir. In 1993, following the decision of the Council of Higher Educa on to found a D N
new campus for İYTE in Gülbahçe-Urla, a total of 3500 ha of land was allocated to our Ins tute. The planning process of the campus area began in 1994 with modifica ons on the
Çeşme-Karaburun Environmental Development Plan of 1/25.000 scale. Since the campus area was registered as a Second-Degree Protec on Site at the me, the overall density was RA B
determined by a total building area ra o of 0.02, permi ng a total of 700.000 m2 for construc on, the 224.878 m2 of which has been used so far, leaving behind 452.757 m2 for fur-
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ther construc on.
Since 1994, our campus con nued to develop with the establishment of the new Facul es and the construc on of necessary ameni es (Library, cafeteria, teaching staff residences, /U /
the dormitories, swimming pool and others) one a er the other. In 2003, a 6.4 ha of land from the İYTE campus was allocated to the Teknopark area as an Addi onal Zone (Ek Bölge). 0
In 2018 our whole campus area has been registered as a Protected Area with Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (“Sürdürülebilir Koruma ve Kontrollü Kullanım Alanı”).
Today, as our university keeps growing, there are several development projects within and in the vicinity of the İYTE Campus area. While the growing number of students brings about
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new considera ons such as accommoda on and recrea onal facili es, the recent announcement of a significant Innova on Precinct and expansion of İYTE Teknopark also bring forth
the development of new research facili es, as well as ongoing discussions on geothermal zone development. It is significant to cri que all these projects (and others) and how they in- C P
teract with Gülbahçe Se lement and the İYTE Campus as well as the natural landscape and ecology of the area.
Within this context, each student team will develop their own program alongside the scope of the work expected:
*First, a larger scale approach (land uses, connec ons and rela ons within the nearby developments and se lements) & then focus down to the design area (alterna ve sites)
*Housing op ons, recrea onal facili es, IT developments such as techno parks (a separate, self-sufficient en ty or a part of IYTE), pedestrian and public transporta on connec ons
*Challenges including fault lines, climate change issues such as sea level rise and drought, floods, ecological issues, archeological heritage
This Urban Design Studio introduces the approaches, concepts, techniques, and tools of urban the students in the Departments of Architecture and City Planning. The mul-
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-disciplinary nature of urban design offers an opportunity to establish co-working, which links the two departments more closely to their mutual enrichment, and to the benefit of
the Faculty of Architecture (ideally the teams should also include experts from infrastructure engineering, landscape design, transporta on, financing, marke ng and legisla on).
The objec ves of the course can be summarized as follows:
● To introduce fundamental principles of urban design;
● To develop a concern for the effect of urban design with respect to its implica ons for individual buildings (architecture) and the larger city-scale (city planning);
● To consider the uses of public and communal spaces;
● To enable teams composed of students of architecture and city planning to work together on both highligh ng the assets and solving the problems of se lements in different scales.
Instructors. Yavuz Duvarcı, Can Gündüz, Nicel Saygın, Virginia Couch, Abbas Ziafa Bafarasat, Hüsnet Ceyhan//////////////////////////
Research Assistants. Aslıhan Çevik, Şüheda Köse, Ece Güleç, Yağmur Aşçı ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////