P. 21
early only 9 am Nathaniel, so let's get some great tennis and then maybe we can figure out what's
going on without everyone finding out that some unmarked black SUV escalades are watching
us. Nathaniel high fives me as we both shoulder strap our large tennis bags and begin walking
briskly towards the backcourt Five and Six passing several other resort guests that have just
finished playing tennis.
Halfway to court Five, the sidewalks intersect each other from four directions closest to
the resort's back parking lot where Nathaniel and I nearly tumble across Sister Liset, Sister
Emely, and her fiancée Brother Stover long time loved Black Diamond wolf pack members!
Walking towards court five, Liset and Emely excited to see each other hold each other hands
while skipping down the sidewalk ahead of Stover whom awkwardly looks over his broad
athletic shoulders and shakes his head rolling his eyes in complete and utter embarrassment!
Sister Liset had been absent from the Black Diamond weekend tennis for almost two months
going on a well-deserved and last-minute vacation with her wonderful husband and three
identically look alike cloned, kind, attractive like mommy smart teenage daughters.
It was clear today that these two beautiful wolf pack sisters missed each other
tremendously, expressed so innocently thru their fun hop skipping antics. I look over to
Nathaniel and we both start laughing as we watch Liset and Emely having so much warm loving
fun together, just giggling away as they catch up with each other's current life and drama! As we
all walk towards the back heading towards court five located in the far NW back corner of the
Resort, Nathaniel's wife Susan's private remarks to Hercules AKA Nathaniel the previous night
to Susan flying out unexpectedly to Egypt, echoed in my brain over and over again. What Susan
had said seemed very puzzling and yet felt very right and natural for some strangely odd reason.