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An American Advisors Group (AAG) Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) loan
                                                            can help you access the equity in your home to help you pay for in-home care.

                                                            What is a HECM Reverse
                                                            Mortgage Loan?

                                                            Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
                                                            (HECMs), also known as reverse mortgage
                                                            loans, were created to help Americans age
                                                            62 and older convert a portion of their home
                                                            equity into tax-free cash**. HECM reverse
                                                            mortgage loans are insured by the Federal
                                                            Housing Administration (FHA) and may
                                                            allow seniors to age in place and achieve
                                                            retirement security.

       How Does it Work?                                              Visit us today at

       With a reverse mortgage loan, you can
       continue to live in your home, retain
       ownership and will not be required to make           How a HECM Reverse Mortgage                          Why Choose AAG?
       any monthly mortgage payments* during                Loan can help you:
       the loan period. Instead of repaying the                                                                  +   AAG is the #1 reverse mortgage lender in
       loan monthly, the loan is secured by a lien          +   Eliminate monthly mortgage payments*              the nation
       on the home. You can remain in the home                and free up funds to help pay for vital in-
       as long as you live in the home as your                home care *Borrowers must continue to pay          +   AAG is fully accredited by the Better
       primary residence and continue to pay for              for property taxes, homeowners insurance            Business Bureau
       property taxes, home insurance and home                and home maintenance costs.                        +   AAG is a U.S. Department of Housing
       maintenance or otherwise comply with the
       loan terms.                                          +  Pay for home updates and modifications             and Urban Development (HUD) Approved
                                                              to help you age in place comfortably                Lender
                                                                                                                 +   AAG is a member of the National Reverse
       How do you qualify?                                  +  Have funds readily available when                  Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA)
                                                              unexpected expenses occur
       You must be age 62 or older and, if you are
       married, a non-borrowing spouse may be               +  Keep as a growing line of credit for a rainy
       under age 62. You must be the homeowner                day
       with equity in the home as well as occupy
       it as your primary residence. A financial            +  Receive tax-free** proceeds as a
       assessment is required as a safeguard to               lump sum or monthly payments, or a
       you to be sure that in the future you will be          combination of the two **Consult your tax
       able to comply with the loan terms.                    advisor
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