Page 6 - Rubio_Omar_Portfolio_Writing_II
P. 6


                      The subject of Writing II is one of the most important subjects I have to take. As I

               finished  Writing  I  last  semester  in  this  new  semester,  I  want  to  increase  my  knowledge.
               During this new semester, I want this subject to fulfill all my expectations, to contribute to

               my professional development, and to gain more knowledge with the learning outcomes.

                      When I attend to class I always want to have expectations, and I hope all the subjects

               to fulfill my expectations. When I study Writing II, I want to gain new knowledge through
               the whole semester. I want to learn good elaborated essays. In addition, I want to know all the

               structures in  a paper, especially in an academic paper. These are the goals  I have for this

                      In addition, in this subject I expect to study all the things that are going to help me in
               my  professional  life.  Because  I  want  English  to  be  part  of  my  professional  life,  studying

               Writing II is helping me with that. Like many other students that are studying at Carrera de
               Idiomas I may be in a future English teacher. This is why I like to see my teacher teaching,

               and learn from that.   This is how my studies are going to help me when I have a job.

                      Finally,  as  in  anything  I  do  in  life,  I  want  to  learn.  I  would  like  to  gain  more

               knowledge. For this reason in this subject, I want to have a series of tasks that can help me to
               reach my goals. Learning outcomes are how we do that in the university. Through learning

               outcomes, I will become better than before. I desire to do all my learning outcomes in a good

               way, and learn something from them.

                      When I study something new, I like to put all my effort on it. This is why that for this
               subject  of  Writing  II,  I  will  do  that.  During  this  new  semester  I  will  fulfill  all  my

               expectations,  I  will  prepare  for  my  professional  development,  and  I  will  gain  more
               knowledge with the tools I have.
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