Page 105 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 105
Order Passed Under Sec 7
Hon’ble NCLT Principal Bench
to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2016 has also been placed on record (Annex-ure-D). There are
necessary disclosures made by Mr. Anil I ohli as per the requirement of the IBBI Regulations.
Accordingly, he satisfies the requirement of Section 7 (3) (b) of the Code.
3. In the application, the Financial Creditor has given the details of financial debt granted to the
Corporate Debtor with the dates of disbursement, A perusal of part IV of the application has highlighted
the following particulars of financial debt:
1. TOTAL AMOUNT OF DEBT GRANTED 31July, 2010: Creditor sanctioned facilities,
DATE(S) OF DISBURSEMENT comprising an overall limit not exceeding INR
750 million, broken into a fund based facility of
INR 700 million and a non-fund based facility of
INR 50 million. A copy of the Credit Arrangement
Letter dated 31 July 2010 is enclosed herewith as
Annexure-E. Further a copy of the Master Facility
Agreement dated 31 July 2010, executed between
the Financial Creditor and Corporate Debtor for a
facility of INR 400 million is enclosed herewith as
Annexure L and the Rupee Loan facility dated 31
July 2010 executed between the parties for a
facility not exceeding INR 300 million is enclosed
as Annexurp-Q.
16 December 2010: The Financial Creditor
reviewed the earlier facility and renewed the
financial assistance for INR 700 million
comprising a fund based facility. of INR 400
million and a non-fund based facility of 1NR 300
million. A copy of the Credit Arrangement Letter
dated 16 December 2010 is enclosed
herewith RS Annexure-H.