Page 264 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 264

Order Passed by Sec 7
               Hon’ble NCLT Ahemdabad Bench
                                     IN THE NATIONAL COMPANY LAW TRIBUNAL
                                                   AHMEDABAD BENCH

                                             C.P. (I.B.) No. 51/7/NCLT/AHM/2017

                                                   Decided On: 07.08.2017

                                                Applicant: State Bank of India
                                           Respondent: Radheshyam Fibres Pvt. Ltd.

               Hon'ble Sh. Bikki Raveendra Babu,  Member (J)

               For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: Mr. Arjun Sheth, Learned Advocate

               For Respondent:


               None present for Petitioner. Learned Advocate Mr. Arjun Sheth present for Respondent.

               Order pronounced in open Court. Vide Separate Sheet.

               1. State Bank of India filed this Application under Section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,

               2016 ["Code" for short] read with Rule 4 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating
               Authority) Rules, 2016 ["Adjudication Rules" for short] to trigger 'Insolvency Resolution Process' against
               M/s. Radheshyam fibers Private Limited [hereinafter called as "Respondent/Corporate Debtor"].

               2.  The  Application  is  signed  by  Shri  Yogesh  M.  Avasia,  Assistant  General  Manager  &  Relationship
               Manager for and on behalf of State Bank of India, Stressed Assets Management Branch, Ahmedabad.

               3.  M/s.  Radheshyam  fibers  Private  Limited  is  a  Private  Limited  Company  incorporated  under  the

               Companies  Act,  1956  having  its  Registered  Office  at  134,  Sardar  Patel  Marketing  Yard  National
               Highway-8 B, Gondal Rajkot-360311 Gujarat.

               4. The Authorised Share Capital of the Corporate Debtor is Rs. 3,00,00,000/- (30,00,000 shares of Rs. 10
               each). The Paid-up Capital of the Corporate Debtor is Rs. 2,99,75,000/- (29,97,500 shares of Rs. 10/-

               each. The main object for which the Corporate Debtor was incorporated is to carry out the business of

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