Page 464 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 464

Order Passed under Sec 7
               By Hon’ble NCLT Chandigarh Bench
                                     IN THE NATIONAL COMPANY LAW TRIBUNAL
                                                  CHANDIGARH BENCH

                                            C.P. (I.B.) No. 45/7/NCLT/CHD/PB/2017

                                                   Decided On: 04.08.2017

                                         Applicant: Balageria Central Co-op Bank Ltd.
                                   Respondent: S.R. Green Housing Projects (India) Limited

               Hon'ble Sh. R.P. Nagrath, Member Judicial.

               For  Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff:  Mr.  Ankush  Chowdhary,  Advocate  and  Mr.  Dibasis  Basu,  Learned

               For Respondents/Defendant: None.


               Hon'ble Sh. R.P. Nagrath, J. (Member (J))

                   1.  The  petitioner  a  Cooperative  Bank  filed  the  instant  petition  before  the  Honble  High  Court  in

                       terms of Section 433 (e) of the Companies Act, 1956 for winding up of the respondent company

                       for its inability to pay the debt, The respondent having not been served before 15.12.2016, the

                       instant  petition  was  received  by  transfer  in  terms  of  Rule  5  of  the  Companies  (Transfer  of

                       Pending Proceedings) Rules, 2016.

                   2.  Rule 5 of the aforesaid Rules as amended vide notification dated 29,06.2017 reads as under

                                     "5. Transfer of pending proceedings of Winding up on the ground of
                                     inability to pay debts.- (1) All petitions relating to winding up of a
                                     company under clause (e)of Section 433 of the Act on the ground of

                                     inability to pay its debts pending before a High Court, and, where
                                     the petition has not been served on the respondent under rule 26 of

                                     the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 shall be transferred to the Bench
                                     of the Tribunal established tinder sub-section (4) of section 419 of
                                     the  Companies  Act,  2013  exercising  territorial  jurisdiction  to  be

                                     dealt with in accordance with Part 11 of the Code:

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