Page 6 - MDHN Executive Summary 2018_Addendum Attachment
P. 6

E mployees

            Many employees initially came to Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows as guests…guests whom eventually
            found the allure of, as stated by our CEO, Ron Cohen, “the beauty of our spectacular alpine environment,
            the unique challenge and reward of living and working in the heart of nature, and the joy and fulfillment that
            comes from being among people who are having a great time with friends and family” worth the investment of
            self to be a part of the mountain family both recreationally and professionally.  When MDHN was first
            conceptualized, the head elves recognized this bipartisanship and set out to build events that were
            esteeming to plan, host, & manage as well as attend.

            2018 introduced incorporation of a broadened organizing committee consisting of core SVAM
            employees representing each department and venue.  The result was an event series abounding with
            communication, team work, and efficiency. The employee feedback survey across departments showed

            70% of employees gave working Merry Days & Holly nights FOUR STARS (ref. Analytics, fig. 2)!
            The committee further ensured company values were observed throughout MDHN.  Examples include:

                   ▪ Improved clearance and access to Merry Wonderland and on Wonder Walk
                   ▪ First Aid kits and safety protocols in place at Ice Garden

                   ▪ The ultimate testament to an experience of quality and enjoyment: many employees
                     returned to attend events as guests with family & friends

                   ▪ Each event was carefully planned and fully staffed with trained, eager-to-please staff

                   ▪ Clear communication and accountability created through regular meetings, multi-user
                     cloud documentation, and ongoing e-mail dialogue

            A remarkable indication that MDHN has captured the hearts & minds of employees is the proactive
            staff considerations of improvement mechanisms for 2019 in addition to abundant expression of
            positive sentiment, as exhibited through excerpts from the Post-MDHN Internal Employee Survey:
                                         “There's always room for
                                                                                                      All of the
                                        improvement, but overall the   “Communication around the   excitement around
              “I appreciate the focus   event was a huge success. Great   product set up for next year
              on costs. We need to    job and thank you to everyone!! I   is key. This is a great event!”   the holidays is
              continue to constantly    look forward to working with                              great. Brunch with

              challenge ourselves to be      you all in the future.”                              Santa has become
              fiscally responsible and                              “My favorite is working in OVL and   a family tradition
            fine tune the things that                                seeing everything built from scratch
              worked and didn't work.”   “The universe was on our side with   to the performances make you   and we love
                                                                     understand the level of effort and
                                        the weather and it could not have   dedication that goes into making it a   attending!
                                         been a more successful event.”
                                                                            special time.”

            Accounting for all feedback, the planning committees will excitedly start the 2019-2020 season with
            efforts toward enhancing Communication, Cooperation, Efficiency, and Fiscal Responsibility.

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