Page 3 - Rustic_Fayre_-_2018_-_programme
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Dear “Rustics”
Dear “Rustics”
Dear “Rustics”
N Old & New N N
It’s that time of the year again when I am delighted to be able to invite
you all to Rotary’s Silver Rustic Fayre , the Club’s twenty-fifth.
s ever there is much déjà-vu in an equine act “Big & Little”. This year
the air, but that’s what people “Lynwood Vets Practice” has kindly taken
seem to like about the event. on the “Fun” Pet Show, so bring along
Even the field entry is held your Furry Friends to be judged. One of
Aagain this year at just £5.00, our centre pieces is the marvellous display
and of course all profits go to Rotary and of Classic Cars, Motor Cycles, Tractors and
local good causes. Verwood’s own Carnival other vehicles, over 200 entries in all - - not
Queen will be opening the Fayre at high- to be missed.
noon again; this tradition was introduced As Bank Holiday roads are busier than
following 2008’s wet Whitsun, and has ever there seems little point in going
continued ever since; it’s good to have further afield; and if you are local, why not
some royal involvement! Alongside all leave the car at home, and stroll on down
the regular favourites, “Dorset Windows” to Potterne Park, there to enjoy yesterday’s
are sponsoring a Duck Race, when local ambience in the company of friends old &
organisations will paddling for supremacy new. I keep hearing mention of a credit
on the River Crane. crunch, but you can forget that for a day.
There’ll be the usual Food & Drink We don’t give credit - - - strictly cash!! But
options, enhanced by the Town’s Twiners, I must give credit where it’s due, and that
and a Pimms Stall operated by the Crew goes to ALL our helpers - - Sponsors, Clubs,
from “Irving’s” Estate Agents. and friends who have worked so hard
We have plenty going on for the to put the “Rustic” on, we couldn’t do it
children too, Circus Whiz, Monster Bounce, without you. And then, most important of
Punch&Judy, Egg Catching; as well as all, YOU who support us, simply by coming
the usual pet items, Terrier Racing? and along and enjoying the day.
See You There - Regards, Vern Harris, “Rusty Chairman”
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