Page 2 - North Island Clubs Directory
P. 2

U 3 A

       NAME              ADDRESS                AREA             EMAIL                    PHONE           CONTACT             INFORMATION

       Arohina           396 Aberdeen Rd        Gisborne                                                                       Need to be a member of U3A
       Devonport         Croquet Club Rooms     Wairoa Road                      Heather Owen
       Hastings          War Memorial Lib       Hastings    06 871 5000                         Wednesdays 10.00am
       Hibiscus          Hibiscus Coast         Rodney       09 428 7525     Dee                 Contact Dee for times
       Rotorua                                  Rotorua       07 345 3221     Loeta Davis         Phone or email for details
       Tauranga          Elizabeth Street       Tauranga                                  07 572 4126     Karen Trebes        Phone for details
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