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The room is also decked up by striking Even though they may not be formally
embellishments in paintings, unusual yet trained in interior design but research,
attractive boxes, stools and a couch from that observation, interest and the artistic eye are
period in time. There is a snack counter in the ingredients that make up their interiors
one corner and in the other corner you can unique. “Our salon has a very exclusive
see a rounded walled space which has a clientele. While designing, we kept in mind
massage bed for beauty purposes. the functionality of the space, the
maintenance factors, tried to use out of the
A room beyond in lime green comes in view ordinary color schemes to enhance the
but you can’t guess its purpose, this is the uniqueness. We wanted to make our clients
wash area which seemed much more than feel as if they have walked into luxury. As
that, yet again triggering my imagination. clients enter they should feel relaxed. To give
The colors used in the entire décor are those full value for money they spend here is our
which we would not normally dare use in our top priority.” I would define Maram Aabroo,
homes but when juxtaposed they look lovely as a fusion of Victorian with a French
and give the space a unique character. sensuality and a hint of mysticism just to
Maram and Aabroo have changed their keep you thinking of what lies beyond the
interior four times since the start of the salon next door.
each time with a different and a more daring If you want to be treated like a princess for a
idea than before. They believe that change in day, Maram Aabroo is just the place. Who
the environment is necessary to work more could deny a day full of pampering and
efficiently and competently. It’s also pleasant supreme extravagance? Its something we all
for the client. deserve and crave. Being treated like a
princess for a day is every woman’s
childhood dream. Dreams can at times come
true. ■
Zonaira Chaudry - Portfolio