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Despite What Your Mother Told You –

                                                      Incontinence Is Not Normal &

                                                      Treatment Is Available

                                                      Did you know that physical            Studies show that 50 to 65 percent   variety of strategies.”
                                                     therapy is a treatment option         of women experience incontinence,     Maconachy says that pelvic floor
                                                     for men and women who suffer          but do not report it to their physicians   muscles are just like any other
                                                     from the embarrassing effects of      because they have been led to        muscles – they need to be strong
                                                     incontinence? Television ads may try   believe that it is a normal part of   and need to learn to relax. They can
                                                     to convince you that this is a “normal”   aging, or that it is a non-medical   also be strained. “Pelvic muscles are
                                                     part of aging in order to sell more   issue, or they are embarrassed.      inside,” she explains, “and we need to
                                                     protection products – but the fact     With a normal, healthy bladder,     learn how to isolate those muscles.”
                                                     of the matter is that incontinence is   bathroom visits average five to     PFT is usually performed in 10 to 15
                                                     NOT a “normal” part of aging – and    eight times daily, or every two to five   treatment sessions, using therapeutic
               Elizabeth                             treatment is available.               hours. But seeking a bathroom every   exercise, electrical stimulation,
              Maconachy                               The NCH Briggs Outpatient            place you go or when pulling into    biofeedback, pelvic floor exercises
                                                     Rehabilitation Center, located 399 9th   a driveway, then putting the key in   and a discussion of diet and fluids.
                                                     Street N, Suite 102 in Naples, offers   the door and needing to run to the   In the presence of bladder
                      For more                       just such a therapeutic treatment     bathroom are red flags.              symptoms, an evaluation by a
                                                     program – called Pelvic Floor Therapy
                                                                                            Stress incontinence places stress
                                                                                                                                gynecologist or urologist is needed,
                   information                       (PFT) – that can help those who suffer   on the pelvic floor and the bladder,   and if other conditions are ruled out,
                                                                                                                                then a referral to physical therapy is
                                                     with stress or urge incontinence.
                                                                                           causing a force against the bladder
                                                      Elizabeth Maconachy, DPT,            that leaks urine while doing stressful   appropriate.
                   or make an                        board-certified women’s health        activities like coughing, sneezing,
                                                     clinical specialist, one of only two   laughing, jumping or even getting
                  appointment                        in Southwest Florida, heads up the    out of a chair.                      Symptoms of incontinence
                                                                                            Urge incontinence is when you get
                                                                                                                                 include losing urine when:
                                                      According to Maconachy, no urine
                call NCH Briggs                      leakage is considered normal.         a sudden urge to urinate and you       • Sneezing
                                                                                           can’t hold it while trying to get to a
                                                     Incontinence is defined as unwanted   restroom. Not considered normal, it    • Coughing
                    Outpatient                       leakage of urine, regardless of       can be improved through Pelvic Floor   • Laughing
                                                     volume. More common in women          Therapy.                               • Jumping
                 Rehabilitation                      – or in men after prostate surgery    musculoskeletal assessment of the      • During heavy physical
                                                                                            “With PFT, we first do a
                                                     – incontinence can afflict people of
                     Center at                       any age; children with bed-wetting,   whole body and the pelvic floor,”         activity
                                                                                           explains Maconachy.  “We then
                                                     teens, females in pregnancy or after
                                                                                                                                  • Getting out of a chair
                                                     menopause, to those in their 70s and   custom-tailor a plan of treatment to   • Needing to go to the
                (239) 624-1600.                      beyond.                               the individual’s unique needs, using a      bathroom urgently

            Everything You Need to Know About MRI

           T    here aren’t too many people nowadays          model and lot number.                             to their normal activities. A radiologist,

                                                                                                                specially trained in reading MRI scans,
                who have not heard the term “MRI,” many
                                                              On the day of the test, patients will need to
                with a vague understanding that it is
                                                                                                                findings to your doctor. It usually takes a
           some sort of an X-ray diagnostic test.             remove all removable metal from their body,       will study the scans and report his or her
                                                              because metals can become projectiles
            But Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)              when subjected to the powerful magnets.           week or two for patients to be notified of the
           isn’t actually an X-ray at all – not in the        Metals can also become heated and can             results.
           traditional sense. Unlike X-rays and CT            cause burns.
           scans, which emit radiation, an MRI uses           Patients may get warm during the test,
           powerful magnets and radio waves to make           so they are advised to wear light clothing
           detailed pictures of your organs, brain,           or to ask for a hospital gown. Some 20 to         • Before an MRI, patients must remove all
           spine, joints and other body parts.                25 percent of patients will also be given a          metal from their body or pockets
                              “If your doctor has             contrast dye in the form of an intravenous        • Unlike an X-ray or CT scan, an MRI does
                             recommended an MRI,              injection, but Dr. Jadhav says there is no           not emit radiation
                             there is a need to get           reason to worry. “NCH uses the safest MRI
                             an in-depth look at your         contrast agent,” he explains.                     • NCH uses the safest MRI contrast agent
                             condition,” says Yashodeep       Lying flat on a table, patients are slid into
                             Jadhav, M.D., Medical            the tube-like machine. Many patients feel
                             Director and Chairman of         more comfortable wearing an eye mask; or,
                             NCH Radiology.                   if you are claustrophobic, your doctor can
                              Prior to scheduling an          prescribe medicine to relax you before your
                             MRI, patients will need to       appointment. Patients must lie still during an
           complete a screening questionnaire to be           MRI, which typically takes about 30 minutes.
           sure they are eligible for the test. Patients      Because MRI machines make loud banging
           should tell the technician if they have a          noises, technicians can provide ear plugs or
           pacemaker, metal joints, pins or screws,           ear phones connected to music. Patients can
           fillings or dental work, artificial heart valves,   also talk to the technician throughout the
           hearing aids, drug pumps, medication               procedure if they have any questions.
           patches, body piercings, tattoos, or an            After the MRI, patients can usually return
           implanted nerve stimulator. Patients who
           have implanted medical devices should
           be prepared to provide the device’s make,

            For more information about MRI, NCH recommends you
            contact your primary care physician. If you do not have

            a primary care physician, call (239) 624-8106 to make an
                appointment with an NCH Physician Group doctor.
                         Or, visit
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