Page 33 - WTP Vol.X #8
P. 33

 “My paintings are focused on exploring the integration of realism and
abstraction by taking the skills and knowledge I learned as a realistic painter and applying them to abstract painting. My transformation to abstraction has
 provided me a contemporary approach to express my views of the world. I specialize in creating large-format paintings that are not specifically representational or abstract, but a cross pollina- tion that utilizes organic shapes, colors, and tex- tures found in nature.
“Starting with a color palette, I create textures and depth by using countless layers of lines, colors, and shapes. I apply paint and other media with anything that makes the marks I am look-
ing for. From a spray bottle and plastic wrap to a squeegee and toothbrush, nothing is off the table.
“When I create a painting, I generally don’t have a specific idea or emotion that I want each viewer to see and feel. I want them to interpret the painting themselves, so they each have their own individual experience and relationship with the art.”

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