Page 78 - WTP Vol. X #7
P. 78

“Iwork with collage, putting much emphasis on composition and
aesthetic outcome, placing each element carefully into posi- tion. From early childhood, I loved brows-
ing through various encyclopedias in which individual selected entries were illustrated with engravings. I was able to stare at them for hours and study each line carefully. This is where my passion
for creating collage based mainly on old, archival prints comes from. Composi- tions are often kept in the Dadaist style. They are, in a way, a long bridge between graphic art from the fifteenth century and modern art from the twentieth century, inspired by artists such as Kurt Schwitters, Robert Rauschenberg, Raoul Hausmann, Georges Braque, Max Ernst, and Jonathan Talbot.”
pawel pacHolec

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