Page 54 - WTP Vol. IX #6
P. 54

Blues I
oil on canvas 36'' x 60''
“The Greek word palimpsest translates roughly to 'again, I scrape.' Scribed on papyrus or waxed tablets, early mathematical texts were often pumiced down and reused for
religious purposes centuries later. This historical layering inspires my process. I paint mostly on wood panels prepared with rough applications of marble dust or plaster and pigment. Layers of white establish forms, framing or muting the expressive content. In the final stages, I work the surface gradually to rub out, carve back into, or stain the surface. New marks, scars, and lines trail from forms and connect them. This navigation between the emotional, rational, and historical layers of a painting takes on an imperfect logic all its own. For me, this is beauty.”

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