Page 7 - 수영만29_4A5_4B12_5C6_5D11_6E5
P. 7
Unit 1 Online Sales
Comprehension Note (Portfolio)
1. 글의 종류 : 설명문 2. 주제 (Topic) : Online sales of cookies and candy
3. 요지 (Main Idea)
Volunteer Club sold cookies and candies for poor children
4. 세부 근거 사항 (Further Details)
① Cookies were sold more in January, candy was more popular in
② Sales of the two items were the same in March.
③ There was the best sales record of cookies in April.
④ Both cookies and candies sold quite well in May.
5. 요약 (Summary)
Volunteer Club sold cookies and candies for poor children. Many only
shoppers bought our cookies and candy. In January, cookies were sold
more but in February, candy was more popular. In March, sales of the two
items were the same. Also, there was the best sales record of cookies in
April. Both cookies and candies sold quite well in May.
6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ⑥
① ⑦
② ⑧
③ ⑨
④ ⑩
7. 구문 학습 (Structure)
Comprehension Note (Portfolio)
1. 글의 종류 : 설명문 2. 주제 (Topic) : Online sales of cookies and candy
3. 요지 (Main Idea)
Volunteer Club sold cookies and candies for poor children
4. 세부 근거 사항 (Further Details)
① Cookies were sold more in January, candy was more popular in
② Sales of the two items were the same in March.
③ There was the best sales record of cookies in April.
④ Both cookies and candies sold quite well in May.
5. 요약 (Summary)
Volunteer Club sold cookies and candies for poor children. Many only
shoppers bought our cookies and candy. In January, cookies were sold
more but in February, candy was more popular. In March, sales of the two
items were the same. Also, there was the best sales record of cookies in
April. Both cookies and candies sold quite well in May.
6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ⑥
① ⑦
② ⑧
③ ⑨
④ ⑩
7. 구문 학습 (Structure)