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P. 13
Unit 1 Machiavelli

Comprehension Note (Portfolio)

1. 글의 분야 : Political science 2. 주제 (Topic) : Machiavelli

3. 요지 (Main Idea)

Machiavelli was the first one to try a systematized approach to politics and laid the
foundations for modern political science.

4. 세부 내용 및 사건 (Further Details)

1st – Machiavelli : the first one to try a systematized approach to politics and the
foundations for modern political science
2nd – against the idealistic political thought of the Church : justifiable for a ruler to
use any means to maintain the power to establish order
3rd – Rulers in The Prince : learn from the great rulers of the past, justify his rule to
the public, know about the art of war. do whatever to keep power, never be hated
4th – Influences - The Church banning The Prince, Bodin , the theory of the divine right
of kings, various forms of authoritarianism
5th – opposition of Botero - the power of a ruler from the people => influenced liberal
political theorists such as John Locke and Adam Smith and inspired any number of
revolutions such as the American Revolution

5. 요약 (Summary)

Machiavelli was the first one to try a systematized approach to politics and made the
foundations for modern political science. Against the idealistic political thought of the
Church, He considered it justifiable for a ruler to use any means to maintain the power
to establish order. According to his book, the Prince, a great ruler should learn from
the great rulers of the past, justify his rule to the public, know about the art of war,
do whatever to keep power, and never be hated. His idea influenced Bodin, the theory
of the divine right of kings, and various forms of authoritarianism as well as provoked
the Church to put his book on the banned book list. However, Opposing to his idea,
Botero argued that the power of a ruler came from the people, which influenced
liberal political theorists such as John Locke and Adam Smith and inspired revolutions
such as the American Revolution.

6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ④
① ⑤
② ⑥

7. 구문 학습 (Structure)

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