Page 27 - PlayFacto Kids_2_10
P. 27
Find the lightest object using the balance.

What you need: Balance set, Various objects

01 02

Prepare the balance set and Select 2 objects and place them
3 small objects. on each side of the balance to
compare their weights.

I will compare
the weights between
the eraser and the

spinning top.

03 04

Remove the heavier object from Identify the lightest object
the balance. Then place the other among the 3 objects.
object on the balance to compare
weights. The candy is the
lightest among the
candy, the spinning top,

and the eraser.

I removed the spinning
top because it is heavier.
Then I placed the candy

to compare with
the eraser.

Play again and find the heaviest object.

24 PlayFACTO Kids 2 -10
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