Page 27 - PlayFacto_A2
P. 27
3 Pentomino

Learn the shapes of pentomino and complete the
Unit Objective pentomino puzzle.
.Complete the chessboard using the pentomino pieces based on
the fictional story of the pentomino.
.Learn about where to place the pieces first and find the
appropriate pieces when completing the puzzle using the given
pentomino pieces.
.Intuitively learn how to complete the puzzle without leaving any
gaps using the given pentomino pieces through the ‘pentomino
tetris’ activity.

NCTM Standards

.Recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and

sort two- and three-dimensional shapes.
.Investigate and predict the results of

putting together and taking apart two- and
three-dimensional shapes.
.Recognize and apply slides, flips, and turns.

24 Workbook A-2
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