Page 33 - PlayFacto_A2
P. 33
Materials: Pentomino activity board, 2 Pentomino sets,
Dividing stick, Die

Let’s fill in the activity board by placing pentomino pieces.

Puzzles 1. P lace the activity board in the middle of the table. Each player takes one
pentomino set.

2. Place a dividing stick in the middle of the board.

3. Roll the die and select one pentomino piece according to the rolled number, then
place it from the first row.

Example 1


4. T ake turns placing the pieces one by one. Roll the die again if he/she already
placed the piece according to the rolled number.

5. Play the game until both players cannot place any more pieces. The player who
has fewer remaining pieces wins.

1 2
3 4
5 6

30 Workbook A-2
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