Page 5 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 5
How to Use This Book

NUMINO Challenge

Exploration and Type Study

Problem solving strategies and processes are organized into topics.

Creative Thinking

The level of difficulty for each type of problem is increased and the topics are integrated
into the problems.

Challenge Yourself

Challenging problems are tailored to prepare advanced students for math competition and
gifted program.

1. Direct Comparison Exploration

Compare Lengths General concepts for the 4 topics in each theme
Place two objects side by side to compare the length. Each topic has 2 principles that will be summarized
and organized into explorations.
The recorder is longer than Application of general concepts with examples
the pencil. This section is used to build a connection between
The pencil is shorter than principles and types.
the recorder.

Compare Areas

Place objects on top of each other to compare the width.

The sketchbook is wider than

Type Study Direct Comparison of Lengths and Capacities Type Study

There are crayons and an eraser in Mike's pencil case. Fin Learning through representative type
his pencil case. Not only representative type for each concept is
introduced to understand basic principle but also
My eraser is learning materials that are related to each topic
longer than the and theme to foster profound understating.
blue crayon and
shorter than the

red crayon.

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