Page 13 - PlayFacto_K4
P. 13
Materials: 2 Number chip sets (0, 1, 2), Operation chips

Let’s play zero game. Compose two numbers using number chips.

Number 1. Shuffle the number chips and each player takes three chips. Place the operation
Battle chips face down and stack them aside.
2. Decide who will go first. The first player says one number between 0 and 4
including 0 and 4. Then each player places one his/her number chip down at the
same time.
3. Compose two numbers that the players placed down. If the composed number
and the number the first player said in step 2 are the same, he/she takes one
operation chip.
4. Each player takes his/her chip again. Take turns playing several rounds.
5. Play until there is no operation chip to take. The player who collects more
operation chips wins.

I will select Compose
one number. 2 and 1 is 3.
You can take one
Um... 3! operation chip.

10 Workbook K-4
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