Page 13 - PlayFacto_S3
P. 13
Materials: Arith. Match board, 18 Game pieces (Red)

Let’s play Nim game.

Arith. 1. Place the Arith. Match board in the middle of the table and put all the game
Match pieces on the numbers from 1 to 18 in the inner circle of the board.

2. Decide who will go first. Take turns taking out one, two, or three game pieces
in order from number 1.
3. The player who takes out the last game piece on 18 loses.
4. Change the rule to have different number of game pieces on the board or the
player who takes the last game piece wins.

How many game I took two
pieces should I take game pieces.

out this time?

10 Workbook S-3
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18