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P. 8
Unit 1 A Battle in the Wild

Comprehension Note (Portfolio)

1. 글의 분야 : Life science 2. 주제 (Topic) : Hyenas and lions

3. 요지 (Main Idea)
Hyenas are natural enemies of lions.
4. 세부 내용 및 사건 (Further Details)

1st – Male lions live alone while lions live in groups.
2nd – Hyenas are also very smart, using tactics to steal food from lions.
3rd – Hyenas steal prey from a lion after they hunt them while others fight with the

5. 요약 (Summary)

Hyenas are natural enemies of lions. Although lion seems more powerful, male lions
live in solidarity while Hyenas live in groups. Hyenas are also smart enough to use
tactics to steal food from a lion. While some of the group fights a lion, other hyenas
steal the prey that the lion hunted.

6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ④
① ⑤
② ⑥

7. 구문 학습 (Structure)

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