Page 41 - NUMINO Challenge_L1
P. 41
1. Path Finding Puzzles

Number Maze
Connect the numbers in order from 1 to 5.

Start 143 Start 143 Start 143
233 Finish 232 Finish 232
545 545 545 Finish

Do not pass through a Only move horizontally
box more than once. or vertically.

EExxpplloorree Connect the numbers in order starting from 1. When a path cannot
continue, mark the end of the path with an .

Start 1234 Start 1234 Start 1234
4354 Finish 4354 Finish 4354
2456 2456 2456 Finish

EExxeerrcciissee Find the path by connecting the numbers in order from 1 to 8.


A line can only be drawn horizontally or vertically.
A box can only be passed through once.

32537 Finish
Start 14547

38 NUMINO Challenge L1
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