Page 89 - NUMINO Challenge_L1
P. 89
4. Numbers that Fit Conditions

Large Numbers and Small Numbers
The symbols (>, <) are used to compare the size of numbers.

15 is greater than 12 15 12
28 is less than 34 28 34

EExxpplloorree In a 2-digit number 32 15
The number with a larger digit in the tens 31
place is the larger number.
If the tens place is the same, then the They are the same.
number with a larger digit in the ones place
is larger. 53 55

EExxeerrcciissee Circle the digits that can fit in , and fill in the blanks.

Example 0123456789

37 3

37 is less than 38 and 39 .

54 5 0123456789

54 is greater than , , , .

69 9 0123456789

69 is less than , , .

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