Page 29 - PlayFacto_P2
P. 29
3 Pentomino

Learn the shapes of pentomino and find the identical
Unit Objective shapes by flipping or rotating in various directions.
.Learn the definition of pentomino and find them.
.Flip or rotate a given pentomino piece in various directions and
draw them.
.Recognize that the pentomino pieces have identical shapes
when flipping or rotating them, then use this fact to find the
identical shapes.
.Develop spatial sense by placing as many pentomino pieces as
possible in the given area.

NCTM Standards

.Recognize, name, build, draw,

compare, and sort two- and
three-dimensional shapes.
.Recognize and apply
slides, flips, and turns.
.Recognize and represent
shapes from different

26 Workbook P-2
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