Page 35 - PlayFacto_P2
P. 35
Materials: Pentomino activity board, 2 Pentomino sets

Let’s strategically place more pentomino pieces in the given area.

Puzzles 1. Place the Pentomino activity board in the middle of the table. Each player takes
one pentomino set.
2. Decide who will go first. Take turns placing the pentomino pieces one by one on
the activity board. Place the pentomino pieces following the exact lines.
3. The other player takes a turn if the first player cannot place any more of pieces in
his/her turn.
4. The game ends when both players connot place any more of pentomino pieces.
5. The player who has fewer pentomino pieces left wins.

Where should I already decided
I place it? where to place

my piece.

32 Workbook P-2
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