Page 47 - PlayFacto_B10
P. 47
Material: 64 Number cards

‘Number pyramid’ is made of numbers in the ones column after we do
arithmetic operations on two numbers. Let’s make a number pyramid by
collecting numbers from the ones column in the results of four arithmetic
operations on numbers we draw in a game.

Arith. 1. Shuffle sixty-four number cards face down and stack them aside.
Match 2. Two players sit face and each player takes five cards, spreads them in
a horizontal line on the table, and decides who will go first.
3. In his/her turn, a player selects one card from the cards that the other player
placed aside or in the stack.
4. Place the selected card below the two cards if it is the sum or difference between
the two numbers.


6-2=4 6   2=3

Card to place: 8, 4, 2, 3

2+6=8 6   2=12

5. Take one card from the stack and repeat the steps if he/she placed the card
correctly. If he/she cannot place it below two numbers, place it aside.
6. Take turns playing the game. The player who makes a number pyramid first wins.
If two players cannot make a pyramid, the player who places more cards wins.

5+8=13 You can play again
I can place a number because you placed the
card 3 that you have card in the correct place.
Also you can take a card
placed aside.
from the stack now.

The first cards

44 Workbook B-10
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