Page 15 - PlayFacto_B1
P. 15
Materials: 2 「Winning Digit」 activity boards, 4 Number chip sets (0-9)

Let’s make a greater numbers by placing number chips.

Number 1. Each player takes a 「Winning Digit」 activity board. Shuffle four number chip sets
Battle face down.
2. Each player takes one number chip at the same time and checks the number.
The player who has a greater number places it on the activity board first. Note
that the number chips cannot be replaced.
3. Repeat the step 2 to place six number chips on the activity board and make each
of 1-digit, 2-digit, and 3-digit numbers.
4. Compare the three numbers and the player who makes the most greater numbers

I must win with I won with
a 3-digit number… a 2-digit number!

12 Workbook B-1
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