Page 37 - PlayFacto_B1
P. 37
Materials: 「Hopping Numbers」 activity board, Mission cards,
2 Dice (10-60, Dot), Game pieces

Let’s reach 1000 faster than the other player by avoiding traps and finding

Hund. 1. Each player takes a game piece and places it on Start on the activity board.
Board 2. Decide who will go first. The first player rolls two dice at the same time.
3. Skip count by the rolled number and move a number of times as the rolled dots.
Then move his/her game piece to the number.
4. Move the game piece if there are , , ★ or ☆ on the number.

: Climb up the ladder to a greater number.

: Go to the less number, following the arrow.
★, ☆ : Follow the directions on the mission card.

5. Take turns playing the game. The player who reaches 1000 first wins.

Skip count by 30,

twice is 60. I have to

select one mission card

and follow the

34 Workbook B-1
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