Page 48 - PlayFacto_B1
P. 48
5. The defender says “Hit” if the attacker guesses correctly, if not, says “Misfire”.
Note that the attaker places a green chip if he/she guesses correctly, if not,
he/she places an orange chip on the number.

< Defender’s number chart > < Attacker’s number chart >

If attacker guesses 57 (Hit)


If attacker guesses 67 (Misfire)

6. The attacker keeps saying numbers until the defender says ‘Misfire’, then
switch roles.
7. The player who guesses the locations of the other player’s five trains first wins.

Game Diary
This is a game diary where you can write things that come to your mind after
playing the game. Write various things, such as game strategies, any suggested
changes to the rules, or new games.

4. Train explosion game 45
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53