Page 57 - Elfin Fly_1
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Reading for Learning A How Are Birds Alike?

A Read the definition and find the right word.

1. It is a kind of sea bird. a. feather
2. A baby bird comes out of an egg. b. gull
3. It is thick or soft hair. It grows on the body of c. hatch
d. feed
an animal. e. alike
f. fur
4. It is a soft thing. It covers a bird’s body.
5. You give food to an animal.
6. Things are similar in some way.

B Listen to the sentence and fill in the blank. 27

1. B irds are a of animals.
2. Sparrows, hens, and are birds.
3. Bears and rabbits have on their skin.
4. Birds have
5. Birds have two .
6. Most birds .
7. Birds .
the eggs and keep them warm.

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