Page 26 - PlayFacto_S5
P. 26
◈ Look at the top, front, and side views and find the most and the
fewest number of building blocks a figure can have.

1. Write the number of blocks in the floors for the front and side views
below and next to the top view. Then write the number of blocks that
make the floors in each square on the picture.

3 3
1 2
1 2

Top view Front view Side view Top view

2. We know there cannot be 3 floors in the front row, 33
because the side view shows us it is the back row 12
that has 3 floors. From the side view, we know the 12
right column on the front has 2 floors. 213

3. The case when the figure has the most number 33
of building blocks is when two building blocks 2122
are placed on the squares do not have known 2122
numbers. Therefore, the total number of building 213
block is 13.

3+1+1+2+2+2+2=13 (building blocks)

4. The case when the figure has the 33 33
fewest number of building blocks is 1122
when placing the building blocks in 2 1 1 2 or

each column where the column should 1 1 2 2 2112

have 2 floors, then place one building 2 1 3 213

block for the rest of the squares to The pictures above represent the top
have 1 floor. Therefore, the total view of a figure, therefore, the number
of building blocks in each line cannot
number of building blocks is 11. be 0.

3+1+1+2+2+1+1=11 (building blocks)

2. The most · The fewest 23
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31