Page 39 - PlayFacto_S5
P. 39
Materials: Solid figures (A, B), Container,
Mission cards (Solid figures)

Let’s listen to other player’ explanation about a solid figure and find it using
hands only.

Geometric 1. Put the solid figures A and B into the container. Shuffle the mission cards picture
Solids side down and stack them aside.
2. One player selects one card and reads the attribute of the solid figure without
showing it to the other player. Do not show the picture on the selected card.
3. The other player listens to the player’s explanation about a solid figure and puts
his/her hand into the container to find the appropriate solid figure.
4. If the selected solid figure and the picture on the card are the same, the player
who selects the solid figure takes the card and the solid figure. If not, put the
solid figure back into the container and shuffle the cards again.
5. S witch roles and play several rounds. The player who collects more solid figures


It has one Will it be a
square base and pyramid then?
triangular faces.

36 Workbook S-5
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