Page 39 - PlayFacto_P7
P. 39
Material: 1 Number chip set (1- 50)

Let’s compare the numbers to make three consecutive numbers.

Hund. 1. Shuffle fifty number chips facedown and place them aside. Each player takes
Board three number chips.

2. One player says ‘Greater’ or ‘Less’ as a condition. Each player places one of his/her
number chips down at the same time according to the condition.

3. Compare the two placed numbers. The player who places the appropriate chip
according to the condition takes the two chips and places them in front of
him/her. The players take one chip from the chips placed aside and keep having
three number chips in front of him/her.

4. Take turns playing the game. The player who makes three consecutive numbers
first wins.

Less! Let’s place one
chip down at the

same time.

36 Workbook P-7
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