Page 11 - b reading 일부
P. 11
Basic Drills 2
Read the paragraphs below and answer the questions. Each question asks you to use a
context clue to help you find the meaning of the highlighted word.
1 Water plays an important role in our body. It controls body temperature. It
also helps us to see things. Dehydration, or lack of water in the body, occurs either
when our body does not get enough water or when the body loses too much water.
Dehydration affects the functions of body in a negative way. When you are dehydrated,
you can get easily tired or sick. The easiest way to avoid dehydration is to drink a lot of
water, especially on summer days.
Q There is a definition clue that tells you about the meaning of the word “dehydration.”
Underline the word(s).
2 Have you ever wondered if you could help children in Africa who are suffering
from hunger? In fact, there are many ways for you to give them help. One way of
helping them is through UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund. UNICEF was
created in 1946 to save children from poverty, violence, disease, and discrimination*.
Now it provides assistance to children in many third world countries. You can make a
donation to UNICEF or buy cards and gifts at its website to help children in need.
Q There is a synonym clue that has a similar meaning to the word “assistance.”
Underline the word(s).
3 Mark had a car accident last night. He was not hurt, but his car was damaged.
The police asked him whether he was sober or drunk when the accident happened.
He replied that he was as sober as a judge. After all, it turned out to be the fault of the
other driver.
Q There is an antonym clue that has the opposite meaning to the word “sober.”
Underline the word(s).
*discrimination: treating one person or group differently from another unfairly
Chapter 1. Reference and Vocabulary 15